Getting your vehicle inspected is more than just something you have to do every year around your birthday. It’s a way to ensure that your vehicle is safe to drive. NH state vehicle inspections are crucial safety measures that help avoid dangerous situations while on the road. Towing companies like D&R Towing are here to get you out of a jam if something goes wrong, but we also provide state inspections to help avoid those situations.
NH is one of the nineteen states that require vehicle inspections. Here’s why our state requires inspections for registered vehicles.
Keep the Road Safe
The primary purpose of NH state vehicle inspections is safety. By requiring all registered vehicles to receive an annual inspection, we can reduce many risk factors. For example, by checking a car’s brakes and tread depth, the inspector ensures that the driver can maintain control of the vehicle, at least under regular driving conditions. Cars that pass the inspection requirements are deemed safe enough not to pose an immediate danger to anyone on the road.
Reduce Breakdowns
Checking that a vehicle’s necessary systems are functioning correctly reduces the risk of breakdowns. Although it’s impossible to predict or prevent every breakdown, keeping cars that are literally falling apart goes a long way to reduce breakdowns. When a car breaks down, it’s not just inconvenient for the driver. It’s dangerous for them and other drivers on the road. If the driver of the broken-down car is unable to pull to the side of the road, that creates a hazard. Even if they can pull off to the side, they still have to stay out of harm’s way until assistance arrives.
Prevent Accidents
Vehicles in poor condition or in danger of breaking down can cause road accidents. If you lose control of your vehicle on a busy road, it will be very difficult to get off the road without causing an accident. Breakdowns are also accident risks, so anything that reduces the possibility of a breakdown also helps to prevent road accidents.
NH State Vehicle Inspections | D&R Towing
Our team at D&R Towing offers services that help keep you and other drivers safe on the road. From heavy-duty truck repair to roadside assistance to annual vehicle inspections, we cover all your safety needs.